Tuesday 20 March 2018


Radio Moscow has jumped in first with a beautifully illustrated (which is quite remarkable for a Radio Station, when you think about it, but this is the VBCW) Battle Report. Comrade Professor Winters has even taken the trouble to produce an accurate one paragraph summary of the campaign background to the Assault on Wigmore Hall. Jolly useful for the uninitiated and confused, which appears to have included at least one or two of the players on the BIG DAY itself!

For the uninitiated who weren't able to listen to the pre-game oral briefing, but who have a VBCW desire to understand the full background, there is no better place to start than the SPRING BIG GAME GENERAL BRIEFING, followed by the SPRING BIG GAME FINAL BRIEFING.

And a saucer of milk for the Bishop of Ludlow, who has already expressed the private view that those who like to keep things simple really shouldn't backstab and break alliances.... 

Campaign complications at Wigmore Hall - Minefields and black faced sheep.
The Communist Intelligence Department ("CID") was at full stretch.
It is clear, however, that Commissar-Professor Winters and the Not So Broad Communist Front do not have the leisure to reflect upon the irony of our Hereford VBCW, namely that those who ruthlessly break alliances without warning may, in due course, as gleefully detailed in Sir Barrington Patchpole KC's diary, find themselves stymied by new alliances being formed against them. To the contrary, it appears that the Communists' Re-Education Centre No.1 (at Presteigne, the present compulsory lodgings of Sir Alan McGuffin, amongst others) is filling up so fast that the Commissar-Professor has to give priority to what to do with all his prisoners -

Some of the Not So Broad Communist Front's "bag" at Wigmore under guard, from front to rear -
Farmer Smith and his bucket carrying daughter, 3 itinerant "ice cream salesmen" who
appeared from nowhere, Mrs Smith and little Tommy with a crate of Mortimer Apples,
Professor Higgs-Boson, "mad scientist for hire" formerly in the employ of the
Mortimers, a hen. To the right, two "mobile bacon sandwiches" for the troops.
Notwithstanding Storm Commander Giles' continuing illness from wounds sustained at the Battle of Berrington Approaches, the initiated (whether old or new) can now look forward to an inevitable counter-blast from Government radio in due course........

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